Game Day: Fairy Tales

The fairy tale theme is one of my favorites. It’s a great theme for many new gamers, too, because it’s familiar – for some folks, game mechanisms are easier to pick up when they go along with a familiar story. It’s a fun theme for anyone who wants to dress up or bring along theme-appropriate snacks! Last fall, my gaming group played this menu. See the notes section at the bottom of each game for a brief look at my thoughts!

Game Details
NameFairy Tale (2004)
ComplexityMedium Light [1.77]
BGG Rank1342 [6.70]
Player Count2-5
Mechanism(s)Closed Drafting, Hand Management, Set Collection and Simultaneous Action Selection
Notes from RebeccaSimilar to 7 Wonders in draft style, but doesn't take quite as much table space. The game box is super tiny and portable (or throw it in a Quiver!). We've played it at restaurants before because it's quick and easy to play and put away.
Game Details
NameFantastiqa: The Rucksack Edition (2012)
ComplexityMedium Light [2.38]
BGG Rank3051 [6.89]
Player Count2-4
Mechanism(s)Deck, Bag, and Pool Building, Hand Management, Point to Point Movement, Rock-Paper-Scissors, Set Collection and Team-Based Game
Notes from RebeccaI LOVE this game. It's gorgeous. It has literary references. The components are of amazing quality. It's a twist on traditional deck building. The base game is super easy to teach. There are fun expansions to add on if you like. It's relaxing to play.
Game Details
NameGingerdead House (2015)
ComplexityMedium Light [2.07]
BGG Rank21635 [6.07]
Player Count2-4
Mechanism(s)Hand Management, Player Elimination and Take That
Notes from RebeccaA tower defense game with amusing art and constant roller coaster of: CRAP I'M GONNA DIE! Oh, wait, I've got this. CRAP I'M GONNA DIE! Sometimes the game can go on too long with the ups and downs. Sometimes it's a great, quick paced battle between funny foes.
Game Details
NameThe Grimm Forest (2018)
ComplexityMedium Light [1.93]
BGG Rank1067 [7.07]
Player Count (Recommended)2-4 (3-4)
Mechanism(s)Rock-Paper-Scissors, Set Collection, Simultaneous Action Selection and Take That
Notes from RebeccaSadly, I wasn't at the table when this game got played. Greg painted up all of the minis and they look amazing! He taught the game to one group while I taught another game. I couldn't take his seat after he spent all that time painting up the miniatures!
The Grimm Forest minis painted by Greg.
Game Details
NameStuffed Fables (2018)
ComplexityMedium Light [2.47]
BGG Rank542 [7.44]
Player Count (Recommended)2-4 (1-4)
Mechanism(s)Cooperative Game, Dice Rolling, Role Playing, Roll / Spin and Move, Scenario / Mission / Campaign Game, Square Grid, Storytelling and Variable Player Powers
Notes from RebeccaWe own this one, but haven't played it yet. It's on our 2019 quarter 1 shelf of shame playlist, though.
Villainous. Maleficent character piece.

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