- Benefits of Playing Games
- Meaningful Play LibGuide (Graduate coursework assignment, guide for educators and parents who want to incorporate meaningful play into their classrooms and homes.)
- Program plan: Creative Writing Workshop – using games as tools to generate writing prompts (Graduate coursework assignment, modeled for a specific library, but can be adapted for any library.)
- Program plan: Teaching Board Game Design to Teens (Graduate coursework assignment that required library programming to engage teens with a global issue – this program focuses on designing board games to teach others about global climate change, but the outline and game design resources can be used for games on any topic.)
- Mapping games to learning competencies (coming soon!)
- Mapping games to specific subjects (coming soon!)
- Links to other Educational Gaming Resources and Blogs

The following are various playful activities I have created (games, crafts, storytime songs/rhymes, etc.). I will add to this list as I create new activities.
- Pokémemory (Pokémon-themed memory games)
- Pikachu Snowflake (craft template)
- Paper Bobblehead Animals (craft templates)
- Little Foxes (storytime song)
- The Shark in the Park (storytime song)
- At the Park (storytime song)
- Five Tiny Dragons (storytime fingerplay)

There are endless blogs, podcasts, vlogs, and streams filled with gaming content. Here are a few lists I’ve put together: